Conifer removal in Earl Stonham
As you may be aware a Crane crashed on the A140 closing the road, damaging a lot of properties and dislodged a large conifer also. Tree frog were called to assess the damaged tree and it was deemed that the conifer would have to be removed for safety reasons. As leading tree surgeons in Ipswich […]
Oak tree crown reduction
This beautiful Oak tree was located in Stradbroke and we were asked to reduce the large tree away from the building and also a 20% crown reduction all over whilst eliminating deadwood. The large oak was cut to BS3998 which is the British standard to ensure it was left in great health and shape. To […]
Crown reduction of Eucalyptus in Framlingham
This job was completed a while ago over and we were tasked with crown reducing this Eucolyptus in Framlingham. We left the tree in great shape and health for the client removing all waste. Tree surgery in Framlingham is always a nice place to work due to the views of the castle if we get […]
Oak Tree crown reduction in Kesgrave
This beautifull Oak tree was located over in Kesgrave and had a Tree Preservation Order on it. All works were applied for to crown reduce it by around 20%. The team did a great job leaving a lovely natural shape whilst leaving the tree in good health cutting to BS3998 the british Standard. If you […]
Large Spruce tree fault job
Unfortunately this large Spruce tree decided to fail in the last storms and land on the clients new office. We were tasked with the job of removing it safely and efficiently including the large root plate that had lifted. Logs were left on site and brash chipped and removed.
Framlingham Oak tree crown reduction
This lovely Acorn tree is situated in Framlingham, Suffolk and we were lucky enough to work on it. The oak tree had a 15-20 percent crown reduction cut to BS3998 the british standard. Its really important to prune trees correctly for their health and appearance. We love undergoing tree surgery in Framlingham due to its […]
Emergency Tree Work In recent Storms
Over the past few storms recently we have been tasked with many storm damaged trees to deal with. As we are available 24/7 for call outs it was a busy time for removing trees across Ipswich, Woodbridge and Framlingham. The biggest of which was a large Oak tree that fell across a busy road in […]
Emergency Tree Work In recent Storms
Over the past few storms recently we have been tasked with many storm damaged trees to deal with. As we are available 24/7 for call outs it was a busy time for removing trees across Ipswich, Woodbridge and Framlingham. The biggest of which was a large Oak tree that fell across a busy road in […]
Large Pine Tree removal Ipswich
Last week we were tasked with removing this large pine tree in Ipswich. Unfortunately another tree surgeon in Ipswichhad attempted to remove it but stripped half the side of the tree and left the difficult side that overhung the road and BT wires.We used the correct equipment to remove the tree not only making it […]
Silver Birch reduction in Melton, Suffolk.
Tree Frog were asked to reduce the silver birch tree located in Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Located on an industrial unit we took extra care while working to ensure safe working.Correct pruning cuts made to achieve shape and health of tree.If you are looking for a tree surgeon in Woodbridge, Suffolk please get in touch.